AM-viesti - Regional champs relay (2016-08-14)
Típus: Wettkampf
Térkép/terület: Hirvijärvi
Ország: Finlande
Versenyforma: Relay
Váltó pálya: 1
Táv: 6.98 km
Idő: 37:59
I ran the first leg with Tobia Pezzati and Anton Kuukka. Very good race. Only one small mistake to the 5th control. I had the chance to start with Elias and tried to follow him on some legs but he is very fast! Anyway I managed to finish five seconds behind him. In the end we won the gold medal :)
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AM-viesti - Regional champs relay (2016-08-14) AM-viesti - Regional champs relay (2016-08-14)